Are you struggling to find the perfect Black and Decker robot vacuum?

Then this article is the best one for you!

In this article, I will be describing one Black & Decker robotic vacuum cleaner. You will read about its specifications, price and the most important information about the vacuum cleaner. After reading the article you will be able to compare this robot vacuum with others on the market.


The Black & Decker Company

History Of Black and Decker

The Black and Decker company was first established in 1910. First, they manufactured industrial products. Later on, the company started growing and expanding all around the world. While lasting for over a century, the brand is still most proud of providing innovative solutions to its costumers.

Different Products For Different Needs

While focusing on smart tech vacuum cleaners, the Black and Decker company also has a variety of different products such as hardware, appliances, power tools, etc. All these devices come in handy while cleaning the house, cooking and even gardening.

Replacement Parts And Accessories

For all the products the Black and Decker company offers, replacement parts and accessories can be ordered from their official site. For all the parts you aren’t able to find, I would recommend online retailers such as Amazon.

Where To Buy Black and Decker Products?

While having a variety of products on their official page, I would recommend researching online retailers like Amazon. Online retailers offer lower prices for Black and Decker robot vacuum cleaners and often discounts. It is a good choice if you are looking to save money. While having lower prices, there you can also see how the products have worked for other costumers, and even compare them.

Customer Service And Warranty

All the Black and Decker robot vacuums have a two-year warranty. It can be used in situations that are thoroughly described in the manual. The warranty doesn’t apply to the accessories. If you have any questions or complaints you can contact their customer service via email, phone or their help forum.

Best Black & Decker Robot Vacuum Cleaner

Hrv425bl Black and Decker Lithium Robotic Vacuum Review

Schedule The Robot Vacuum To Clean

With the Black and Decker smartphone app, you can easily set the robot vacuum to clean when you are not in the house. If you want to save battery you can even send it to a direct spot to clean without getting off the couch.

Hrv425bl Black and Decker Lithium Robotic Vacuum

Choose Your Led Lightning

What this Black and Decker smart tech robot vacuum stands out for is the fact that you can personalize the Led cover anytime you want. If you want to change the led light, you can just go into the app and choose any color you like. Another perk of this pet robotic vacuum is that the LED top cover flashes whenever there is a problem. it is a smart way to eliminate guesswork.

Above Average Battery Life

With a 90-minute run time, this Black and Decker vacuum Roomba is one of the best ones in the market. It is powered by a lithium-based battery which expands battery life. Still, to preserve its power the robot vacuum sets the suction power according to the floor type. When the battery is low, this robotic pet vacuum returns to the charging dock automatically.

Pet-Friendly Dustbuster Robotic Vacuum

This Black and Decker robot comes with an extra-large 1l dustbin. It can go through multiple cleaning cycles without getting full. The smart tech vacuum cleaner holds two times more pet hair than other robot vacuums on the market. With its amazing suction power, this pet robot vacuum picks up allergens, hair, and dust with minimal effort. this Black and Decker smart tech robot vacuum comes with auto-sense, which means that it automatically adjusts suction to stop it from eating up the battery.

Hrv425bl Black and Decker Lithium Robotic Vacuum review

Selecting Between 3 Cleaning Modes

With this Black and Decker smart tech pet vacuum, you can choose between three different modes to fit your needs. The three modes are spot clean, quick and auto. If that’s not enough for you, choose a manual drive and direct it to anywhere you want.

Product Dimensions And Autosense

The hrv425bl is standard in size. It is 20.44 inches long, 6.38 inches wide and 16.44 high, which is just enough to get stuck under furniture. Your best option might be to look after it because if it gets stuck, it has to be redirected so the robot vacuum can continue cleaning.


  • Autosense adjusts suction power
  • Amazingly long run time
  • Lithium-based battery
  • Collects most allergens

Black and Decker Robot Vacuum Parts And Accessories

All parts and accessories are available on Black and Decker’s online page. If you need to replace the bdh5000 battery, order it directly from the Black and Decker official page. If you need other parts that fit on most robot vacuums on the market, you should order universal ones.

Black and Decker Manual And Instructions

With every order, you get a Black and Decker manual and instructions. The manual contains information about the products and their maintenance. In the instructions, you can read about detailed instructions on assembling and using the product. Read both the manual and instructions carefully and check if everything listed is in the box. If you want to read the manual now, visit this online Black and Decker robotic vacuum user manual.

Conclusion: Are You Interested In Buying This Black and Decker Pet Robot Vacuum?

This Black and Decker Hrv 425BL robotic vacuum pet is a perfect companion if you like your house clean and free of dust and hair. You are sure your house is spotlessly cleaned thanks to its strong suction power. Finally, you don’t have to worry about your pets because all the hair will magically disappear with this strong robot.

If you love your pets but just can’t clean their hair off the floor every day, you should look at this article on the best robot vacuums for pets. If you have a carpet that you love but are not sure if robot vacuums are up to the task, try reading an article on the best robot vacuum for carpet. In case you have beautiful hardwood floors and are looking for a pet robot read a post on the best robot vacuum for hardwood floors.